Kali Sikaran Flekkerøy
Flekkerøy kampsport klubb
Sildenestangen 50
Kristiansands kommun
+47 905 43 228
Class Schedule
Monday 6:00pm — 7:30pm
Wednesday 6:00pm — 7:30pm

Michael Santos
Michael is currently working as a Custody Guard in the Norwegian Police force. Here he consistently uses the mindset and the the technical skills from Kali Sikaran in real life situations!
He started training karate in 1989.
In 97-98 he met Johan Skålberg in Norway, and was impressed by this amazing system.
The last 20 years Michael has been training and teaching Kali Sikaran around the world.
Michael has also trained with different martial artists, and different fillipino martial art systems, Thai boxing, grappling and so on.
Guro Michael Santos is a Kali Sikaran seminar instructor and a KSI club manager and has been running his own club for 12 years in Flekkerøy Norway.
In KSI Michael is one of the highest ranked guros in the system, and is passionate about helping people reach their next goal in Kali Sikaran.
For many years he teached self defense classes for students in high school. Next to being busy with the KSI club in Flekkerøy, Michael teaches self defense to his colleagues at work.
Michael has recently been focused on spreading KSI in Germany and helped opening 2 new KSI schools there.
In addition Michael organises Instructor camps in Skandinavia and Europe under Kali Sikaran International.
Black Belt in Karate
Apprentice instructor IMB — TacFit Instructor
Approved Close Quarter Combat Instructor for the Norwegian Military